Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Newly Created Language of Duloneé


As you can tell, this is a website about a newly formed language created by me, Tyler Wilkins. The language consists of several different languages, along with a new vibe by itself.

If you know any of these languages, you may feel familiarized: Swedish, Italian, German, and of course, English.

I just made up this language for fun. You'll get the hang of it after a few times. The only hard part of learning it is that the language does not contain proper "officialness" let me say.

For instance, in Duloneé, Ayloo (a-loo), means hello.
Though, if you were to say hell... it wouldn't be like say, Aylo, instead it would be "Dotch"

Now.... here are some basic words to get you started:

hello: ayloo (a-loo)
bye: miphrano (my-fran-oh)
good: chello (chell-oh)
goodbye: chello miphrano
I: eye (Eeh)
me: misa (my-suh)
him: shoon (sh-ooh-ney)
her: shaon (sh-ay-ooh-ney)
yes: si (see)
no: nina (nee-nah)
English: Englandavitch (eeh-glahnda-vim)


Hell: dotch (doh-tch)
Heaven: Heaven (Same as English)
love: una (ooh-nah)
you: yeh (yeh)

Well, there's a small bit of Duloneé for you.... Thank You Very Much!!!

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