Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Language Lessons: 2!

Hey! I'm here to show you the language of Duloneé: Part Hish (Two)

Today, you will learn the numbers:

One: Bih (Beeh)
Two: Hish (Heesh)
Three: Duciolom (Doo-see-li-am)
Four: Alikn (Ah-line)
Five: Crimj (Kree-Jah)
Six: Linga (Leeng-Ah)
Seven: Blanka Nai (Binka-Nile)
Eight: Phatren (Fat-reen)
Nine: Bjhinia (Bee-gee-lina)
Ten: Tono (Toe-No)

Then, for 11, you'd put Bih-teen, then Hish-teen, Duciolom-teen, and on and on, along with twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eight, nine, 100, ect.

Thanks y'all new lesson... maybe.... tomorrow

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Newly Created Language of Duloneé


As you can tell, this is a website about a newly formed language created by me, Tyler Wilkins. The language consists of several different languages, along with a new vibe by itself.

If you know any of these languages, you may feel familiarized: Swedish, Italian, German, and of course, English.

I just made up this language for fun. You'll get the hang of it after a few times. The only hard part of learning it is that the language does not contain proper "officialness" let me say.

For instance, in Duloneé, Ayloo (a-loo), means hello.
Though, if you were to say hell... it wouldn't be like say, Aylo, instead it would be "Dotch"

Now.... here are some basic words to get you started:

hello: ayloo (a-loo)
bye: miphrano (my-fran-oh)
good: chello (chell-oh)
goodbye: chello miphrano
I: eye (Eeh)
me: misa (my-suh)
him: shoon (sh-ooh-ney)
her: shaon (sh-ay-ooh-ney)
yes: si (see)
no: nina (nee-nah)
English: Englandavitch (eeh-glahnda-vim)


Hell: dotch (doh-tch)
Heaven: Heaven (Same as English)
love: una (ooh-nah)
you: yeh (yeh)

Well, there's a small bit of Duloneé for you.... Thank You Very Much!!!